
Brighton serviced office space

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11 locations in Brighton

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North Road - BN1

Price available on request.

Hollingdean Road - Brighton BN2
Hollingdean Road - Brighton BN2

Price available on request.

The Old Town Hall, Albion Street
The Old Town Hall, Albion Street

Price available on request.

Our Brighton locations


Short Background

The city of Brighton & Hove is nestled in between the sea and the countryside, explaining its popularity with tourists and why it was rated the most popular seaside destination in the UK for overseas tourists. Brighton is renowned for its diverse communities, quirky shopping areas, large cultural, music and arts scene and its large LGBT population, leading to its recognition as the "unofficial gay capital of the UK".

Whether it’s as a destination for serviced office space or simply for pleasure, us Brits have been travelling to Brighton ever since the railway arrived here in 1841. The pebble beach, Pier amusement arcade and the Royal Pavilion are amongst the favourites, but many head south simply to frequent the hundreds of pubs and clubs, which are always ready to host an energetic crowd.

Benefits to working here

Just a 60 minute train ride from London and only 30 minutes train ride from Gatwick Airport, Brighton is easy to get to. In fact, it has been reported that around 1500 of Gatwick’s workers commute from the city daily. Brighton Station is also right in the city centre so you’ll be able to smell the sea as soon as you step onto the platform.

Brighton's largest private sector employer is American Express, who have their European headquarters on John Street; a popular place for serviced office space. The city’s purpose-built conference centre provides a fantastic reason for leasing furnished office space in the area, as it is a popular destination for conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs.

Things to do

Brighton’s main attractions include the Brighton Pier, the Royal Pavilion and the brand new British Airways i360. The city hosts the largest multiform art festival in England in May, as thousands flock to the area for Brighton Festival. Sussex is also quickly establishing itself as the top wine producing county in the UK, so why not visit a vineyard and discover why English Sparkling wine is beginning to rival Champagne.

For the foodies out there, Brighton boasts a plethora of award-winning restaurants, catering for all tastes, from classic fish 'n' chips to creative vegetarian restaurants and even a zero waste restaurant.

So, what next?

Search and compare from the best serviced offices above. Using our extensive market knowledge, we’ll identify all availability and negotiate exclusive deals for you. All that remains is for you to move in and get your business growing; most offices are available to move into immediately.

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