
Southampton serviced office space

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10 locations in Southampton

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£200 Per Desk / month

Southampton Airport
Southampton Airport

£299 Per Desk / month

Our Southampton locations


Short Background

Infamous as the port from which the Titanic set sail in 1912, Southampton is still a significant port and transport hub on England’s south coast, now widely regarded as the cruise capital of Europe. Southampton plays host to over four million visitors a year and boasts an impressive cultural offering, from museums, music venues and art galleries, to award winning parks and outdoor sporting activities. You’ll be in great company basing your serviced office here, as key employers include Southampton City Council, the University of Southampton, Southampton Solent University, Southampton Airport, Ordnance Survey, BBC South, the NHS, ABP and Carnival UK.

Benefits to working here

By 2011, Southampton and Portsmouth had merged together to become the sixth-largest built-up area in England, now part of the metropolitan area known as South Hampshire, or Solent City, now with a population of over 1.5 million making it one of the UK’s most populous metropolitan areas. The University is in the top 1% worldwide and is a founding member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities in Britain. The university graduates together with an economically active demographic could provide the perfect workforce for your furnished offices to help grow your business to the next level.

Just over a quarter of the jobs available in the city are in the health and education sector, while property, wholesale and retail make up a large chunk of the city’s economy. The recent development in Southampton harbour has drawn a lot of attention to the city, largely due to the creation of the Southampton Harbour Hotel and Spa. The city also has good transport links via the M27 and M3 for London, Southampton Central train station and Southampton Airport.

Things to do

Southampton is home to the SeaCity Museum, housing an interactive model of the Titanic. Nearby, Southampton City Art Gallery specialises in modern British art, whilst the Solent Sky Museum features vintage aircraft like the iconic Spitfire. Tudor House & Garden displays artifacts covering over 800 years of history, including a penny-farthing bike. Music lovers are in for regular treats, as Southampton is home to both the Mayflower theatre and the Guildhall.

Southampton is a vibrant city, renowned for conjuring up huge interest and participation in outdoor sporting activities. It is a flagship city for the BBC Sport Relief Mile event (6,000 participants), while Southampton Common is the perfect race course for Cancer Research’s Race For Life (10,000 participants).

So, what next?

Search and compare from the best serviced offices above. Using our extensive market knowledge, we’ll identify all availability and negotiate exclusive deals for you. All that remains is for you to move in and get your business growing; most offices are available to move into immediately.

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